Hello, "jannesan"...

Wow! Allow me to say first that the chord changes in your song, "Because of You" chart an arc of emotions that ranged from chilly darkness to the liberating light. Listening to it was like turning corners in a maze: there was some suspense over what new feelings I would run into.

Your lyrics tell a strong story of an obviously strong committment/involvement with a person who clearly arouses envy in others. By the time I got to the line, "My firm fist is stronger than their hate", I said to myself, "This man (the subject of your song) is not to be played with!" The possibility of using violence to defend, or protect a romantic relationship, is final, powerful, and very real, as we all know how our emotions can escalate when our feelings for another are threatened.

Your RealTracks arrangement fully supported the dramatic intensity of the lyrics. The song ended up being memorable because of its unflinching declaration of the "loyalty" that is spoken of in it.

Strong stuff, "jannesan"! And don't worry about your vocal. I understood every word that you sang.


LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".