Just tested the standalone version ... loading a full blown complex MGU in 1.9.19 still takes forever, and hangs at 90% ... i waited about 4 minutes, then gave up.

Loading it as VST in an instrument track in Cubase: it's the same story .... besides pressing generate causes the plugin to disappear {repeatedly after addressing it again) to the back ground, just as the older version did ......

Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
In our tests the vst3 works fine with Cubase.

Peter, a Q: which Cubase version? Pro 10 i use, and there has been significant changes in the way it handles graphics. Some older plugins don't work anymore, like AVOX and Antares Autotune v 8.1 (crashes Cubase 10) i was told. Both work fine in v 9,5 and before. F