I like this song a lot. Good lyrics, well sung, nice arrangement.

Like tincture on a tintype smile

Nicely done!

But... I think there's room for improvement on the mix.

There's a lot of reverb, and I think if you cut back on it, that would help.

Most problematically, the lead vocal volume drops in volume at various places, like at 3:01.

There are some automatic tools to fix this, like using a compressor or something like Waves' Vocal Rider, although I haven't used that myself. What I have often done once I've comped together a final vocal is to normalize all the takes so they are at more or less equal volume. Sometimes that meant slicing phrases into parts as well... I guess I get a bit anal about these things.

Since I'm in super-picky mode, there are dissonances in the vocal at 1:10 and cello at 3:17. Not a big deal.

And since my nit-picking is much longer than the complimentary portion, I should again emphasize: I really like this song. I just think it's worth another pass to keep the vocals front and center.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?