I totally understand Fiddler2007.

I tried getting the rights to the melodies but ran into stumbling blocks. Many copyright holders simply refused. The ones that agree wanted to charge up to $2.50 PER SONG to use the melodies.

I wrote back, "$2.50 per song? I can buy them in a fake book for a few pennies per song." and they answered, "So buy the book".

So for almost every one of my fake 'disks' there is a link to Amazon to buy the book. You can open the book, load the BiaB file and play away reading the melody from the book. Lyrics are also included.

It's the workable and affordable compromise. My fake disks have up to 850 songs in them, that would be about$2,000 in royalties at $2.50 each, I don't think many could afford that.

You don't have to buy the book at Amazon, many are available at book stores or your local Mom & Pop music store will be happy to order it for you.

There are a few fake disks that I offer that no longer have books, as they have been discontinued by the manufacturer. If you click the Amazon link there might be a used one for sale.

Also, they no longer are physical disks, but instant download files. I started calling them "Fake Disks" when they used to go out in the mail on either 5.25" or 3.5" floppy disks. The physical disks are gone, and I just don't know what to call them if I want to rename, so "disk" hangs on in title only.

But then we dial phones when the dial hasn't been around since touch tone buttons. We honk car horns when there are no more horns but some kind of digital noise maker. And so on. So virtual disks aren't too bad.

Amazon has some of the lowest prices for these books that I've found, which is why I direct you to Amazon. Barnes & Noble is often competitive, and there are other sources.

Personally, I like reading from the book as BiaB plays, because it's easier. The entire song is visible and doesn't have to do that change screen thing in BiaB. Just open the book start the BiaB file and have fun.

And to get back on topic, the physical books can't have malware or ransomware included.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks