Really lots of great tidbits here...and explanations for some of the gaps in my music ability given all the years. Knowing theory up the wazoo, I've come to the conclusion that in my first 15 or 20 years, I was 'learning songs' as Eddie put it, without relating the changes in real time to the music theory, e.g. the Nashville notation....on top of that, I spent too many years practicing in front of the tv, without my full attention and ear on the sounds of the changes...and finally - never did enough practice on atypical progressions - e.g. - I IV V songs very easy for me - throw in a minor chord (other than I VI II V) - and I simply can't anticipate or hear them.

SO probably this should be a separate thread question - but for the sake of followup question on this topic is, as stated above....

If one can easily hear the changes in
- I IV V, songs
- the typical blues progressions,
, but has trouble with other minor chords thrown into the mix, what are the next logical sequence of progressions that one should master recognizing and hearing, and some good songs to do this through ?