Originally Posted By: 2bSolo
Bob, your comment about everyone having the chords of a song wrong reminded of something that happened to me. My family and I were in several cities in Europe during the summer of 2016. In many of them, we saw buskers playing Hotel California. And they all played the same wrong chord at the same place in the song.


Ears are great tools, our most important asset. But the best ears can hear chords slightly wrong. Especially with dense chords. The differences with the 'by ear' chords and the 'as written' chords can be subtle, but I think important.

Sometimes the inversion of the chord is important, and that is notated in the sheet music by the 'dots on the page'.

OK given all that, I sometimes use substitution chords, therefore not playing the correct chords. But when I use a substitution, I like to know the correct chord and I want to both reason and hear why I'm making the change, and comparing the two so I do not change the feel of the song, unless that is what my intention is.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks