Originally Posted By: eddie1261
If that pic was college jazz band, how old were the 2 trumpet players on the left side of the brass row, or the female sax player? They look like they were 30 THEN!

They were (maybe more).
I've always been lucky and placed well above my abilities .. which always helped me learn more faster.
One of those trumpet players had a doctorate and the sax player had her masters .. like I said, I been lucky,

At the time I thought it was funny that the instructor had a Master degree and the guy he was teaching was a Doctor.
Me; I was fresh out of high school. But I made the band and they actually performed one of my compositions .. just one of the many ways I've been blessed throughout my life.
I call it Luck of the Bob

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome