Everything I ever put on soundcloud is public. I never gave one moments thought about money. I get what I consider bogus offers from time to time. Today someone posted "I like the song, we should work together" I said "sure why not" Best thing that could happen to me would be for some super star to steal on of my copyrighted songs.lol

I don't have any fear of scammers. I am not sending anyone money for anything. Falling into some scammer's trap is beyond my comprehension. Along with making a decision of who to vote for based on some facebook post/add.

There is value in everyone's music. Anyone can get their music in places that it can be sold. It may or may not ever generate a dime. The last serious album I was involved in cost 30K to make and returned 10K...lol Mercury records invested over five million dollars in Achy Breaky Heart. Most likely the only reason anyone has ever known the name Billy Ray Cyrus.Got five million??

In general everyone is competing with the best, most well known musicians, but not always. Sometimes those people are too expensive, not approachable or not willing to sell their songs.. That gives people with lesser talents a chance to sell their stuff.

I am glad to listen to anyone when I have the time. I don't care what their motivation for posting was. We should all be less critical and more accepting of the people around us.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo