Originally Posted By: PeterF

A quickly thrown together song writing lesson, fantastic production, great dynamics, vocal and mix.
Were the drums the loops? - they sounded liked they were played just for the song.
Brilliant stuff.


Thanks, Peter! (the drums were stereo drums loops files)

Originally Posted By: Ezekiel's Storm
This production sounds so clean and crisp. This is one of those songs I could listen to over and over and not get tired of. Not only is your vocal technically good, it has that intangible quality that connects the listener's ear to his/her heart. Thank you for throwing together such a wonderful song and sharing it with us.

I appreciate that, Scott... thanks!

Originally Posted By: Ember - PG Music
I think this works just fine for a Valentines Day song! Thanks for sharing.

Ember - thanks for having a listen...

Originally Posted By: Will Josef
Hi Floyd,

I have to try this "A quickly-thrown-together-sorta-love-song."-technique, because if that is how you make these "hit"-songs, it must be the way to go...

This song is outstanding good, both in a lyrical and musical sense. What I admire about the songs you make is that you are always really good at making the most perfectly fitting back track to whatever you want to sing about. It is wonderful gift to have!

Really enjoyed this song!

Thanks, Will. I appreciate all the nice comments...