Originally Posted By: Jim
For a "quickly-thrown-together-sorta-love-song", this one sounds very well-crafted...
Nicely written lyrics going straight to the hook "I'd do it all again exactly how we did it".. . Great line!

I always look forward to hearing your creations.

Jim - thanks for having a listen!

Originally Posted By: Belladonna
So much truth in the lyrics, looking back. I'm sure so many people can relate good appeal to emotions. You've captured that old country feel. Nice!!

Thanks, Donna...

Originally Posted By: Deryk - PG Music
Wow - if you didn't say so, I wouldn't have thought this was quickly thrown together at all. Very well mixed, and extremely well executed. The vocals are catchy, and the entire tune flows gorgeously. A wonderful song for this time of year!

Thanks for sharing smile

Deryk - I appreciate you dropping in for a spin...