Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Hi Mike,

I think this is the first time I have heard your music.

This is excellent! Lots of movement and changes to keep things interesting. One of the best instrumentals I have ever heard on this site actually.

I assume you are playing all the instruments other than the realtracks you listed?

Very impressive indeed, well done!
Wow. Thanks Dave for your glowing review.
I didn't play any instruments on Train of Thought, as I'm not set up to record live. However, the main guitar riff (as in the intro) is an accurate transcription of my playing. That riff and the other 'train' guitar you can hear from bar 5 come via Ample Guitar M Lite, a great free VSTi based on a sampled Martin D-41 guitar. I downloaded it from amplesound.net.
The shakuhachi playing the main melody is a Kontakt instrument.
For the middle section melody I was originally after some sort of Duane Eddy guitar sound. I ended up using the Kontakt jazz guitar with Amplitube's baritone guitar preset. I was happy with the end result.
Thanks for your interest and encouragement.

Mike Garry
BIAB 2022 (Build 927)/RealBand (5) (64bit), UltraPak, Kontakt, EZmix, Ozone 9 Elements, Hybrid 3, Audacity, Acer Predator, Windows 10, 64bit, 16GB ram, CPU: Intel i7.
