Originally Posted By: Scott C
Loved this song. Another very cool visual journey. Loved the lyrics. Another awesome vocal and backtrack. Guitar was sweet. Thanks for sharing Floyd..

Thanks for the nice review, Scott...

Originally Posted By: David Snyder


This is a really beautiful song and tugged at all the hearts strings. Just a wonderful job, excellent vocals, and superb craftsmanship throughout.

Sorry to be so late, been some crazy travel past few weeks.

Love this song man!

Thanks, David! Don't be a stranger. (but stay strange, of course). smile

Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
Sounds like you spent weeks on it Floyd! Exceptionally great harmonies in here and very well handled breaks and transitions in the song! Also great work with the pushes and instrument selection such as the strings in the background and those distorted single notes in the chorus on guitar really give it a very full sound! Great tune Floyd! Thanks, Torrey

I appreciate that, Torrey...