Here in the Orlando 'jazz' scene - tracks ARE considered cheating...despite my duo's extensive/creative jazz standards repertoire, we can't buy a gig in the so-called 'jazz rooms'... we had one steady gig at an upscale restaurant that was always advertised on the local PBS gig calendar - until 'someone' called them & said we were using tracks, and they refused to list us after that...what we do is unique - 90% of our list consists of 2 song 'medleys' - segueing one song into another (with similar chords/feel) and then back into the first...for example - Haven't We Met into Bluesette and back into HWM: . The other tracks are with vocals and are mini-versions of our tunes. I've spent countless hours creating these tracks with BIAB, but due to the 'tracks are cheating' attitude of jazz clubs/musicians in this area, we are gig-less...