Originally Posted By: sslechta
I've always been a complete geek and try to learn the new Windows versions as soon as I can.

When you work in IT and have to support it, you have no choice.

Others will mention that they do not like the "intrusions" newer versions seem to have regarding your privacy. The more you work with the new OS, the easier it becomes to use it. It's all about adapting to change. If change is difficult for your personality, the upgrade will be difficult. smile

And some of these people buy a house based on where they will park their horse and buggy.....

I remember when Windows 95 came out in, uh, I guess it was 95. LOL!! I was one of those idiots standing in line waiting for the store to open at midnight to buy it on the first day. I then spent 40 hours straight over a weekend with a manual on my lap listening to it beep saying "invalid command". Cursing at it like a sailor. Until I realized "Oh yeah. I did that wrong."

Some people refuse to continue learning new things. But that is just part of the microwave world we live in.

My favorite t-shirts. And yes, I own both of them.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.