Originally Posted By: dcuny
Well, as far as using RB vs. another DAW, I'd suggest that the goal is to create music, not use a particular tool. So pick what serves the music the best.

As for brass libraries... I've got Session Horns (not pro) and Vintage Horns, as well as Garritan's Jazz and Big Band. I've never really been happy with the sounds from these libraries, but I wasn't sure if the blame was with me, or with the libraries.

I've also got Embertone's Chapman Trumpet and Sensual Sax. Need a lyrical trumpet part or an 80's sax solo? They're excellent. For other uses, not so much.

I've had some amount of luck with brass loops. One thing's for sure: they're light on CPU.

I've been pretty harsh about WIVI Band, most of the instruments decent, with (IMNSHO) the sax. Here's a pretty good demo of WIVI Band trumpet.

There are still other brass libraries. FableSounds has Broadway Gig, which is a cut-down version Broadway Lites, which is a cut-down version of Broadway Big Band, their flagship library. But I've read that Session Horns Pro is probably more than comparable to it.

At the end of the day, it's about finding something that has the sound that you're after.

But if you haven't played the SWAM/Sample Modeling instruments through an EWI, you're missing out.

Off topic a bit... If there are USB EWI players on the forum - I'm looking at you, Mario wink - you might be interested in knowing that it can be converted into a wireless controller using off the shelf part for about $150. I got the parts the other week, and it works as advertised.

Very good information here. Adding to it is the fact that you can use a wind or breath controller with Garritan and Kontakt libraries. That will make them sound more "organic". But as you said nothing really competes with SWAM/Sample Modeling instruments.

Thanx for that wireless tip. Hopefully in the near future I can get those parts.

My goal this weekend is to move just enough each day so that no one pokes me to see if I'm dead or not.

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware