Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Just when we figure you can't raise the bar any higher along comes this!

You just set the piano on fire and exited the stage smile

It's a real gift to have your talent but when you ice it by having such a signature sound...man!

As a friend says "this is as strong as a garlic milkshake!"

I think we're gonna have to watch the Petty documentary "Chasing a Dream" again...soon.

We could pick out all the goodness and list it but it's all good - every big and small part of the performance, write and production.



Very nice comments from two super people,

I think I saw that doc too, and there was one about 365 days on the road or something (maybe the same one)

I've always loved the video of Tom and Stevie singing The Insider.

Thanks for the kind words.