
Dan, musically it is a great track and you have done it justice. I don't find it too busy.

Vocally, I think you need help. First, sit / stand UP and open up those vocal chords! I get the feeling you are restricting yourself somehow. Singing while watching what you are playing on the fretboard? I know. I do it myself sometimes. Cut the doubling and get a pop guard. Also, is it actually in the right key for your voice? I feel the key is too low for you.

You're almost there though!


OMG! Sam. I am so glad that you and some of the other "vocalists" are weighing in on this. You are so right, "...I need help".

1) Regarding the pop guard, I am going out first thing tomorrow to pick one up. I definitly heard what you and Russ did with the popping.

2) Restricting my vocal chords? The guitar and vocal tracks are laid down seperately so no restrictions there. I have tried it all, standing, sitting, low volume -whispering, high volume, head voice, diaphram breathing, different mics, even that face holding thing. I do get different sounds based on almost all of these, I just have to find the "sweet spot".

3) Key to low? Now this is very insightful of you. I started the song initially in Eb. My voice does ring nicer in this higher key, however, there was one note which I could not hit, (high Eb, - @ .. and when the night is ...NEW!). So I lowered the song to C. That note dropped to a C (not surprisingly) and I thought all was good. But I agree now that the lower key did effect the rest of the song. I may try Key of D or just work on hitting that high note.

I am going to work this up again with all the great suggestions you all have been providing. Thanks again.


Dan, BIAB2024, SoundCloud Win11, i7(12thGen), 32GB, 1TB SSD(M.2 NVMe SSD), 2TB Libraries, 1 TB(WD-Black), 2TB SSD(M.2 NVMe SSD)Data, Motu Audio Express, Keystation 61, SL88 Studio, Reaper