
1. You had visited the thread to view and read...
2. If you have posted a response.

#2 is implemented. If you have posted a response, the topic icon has a green circle on it and hovering over the icon tells you how many posts you have and when your last post was in that topic.

#1. The way the forum software works, is that it highlights/'marks as unread' topics containing posts that were made since you last logged onto the forums (unread posts). These are considered unread topics. If you click on one of these topics, it will take you to the first unread post. It also keeps track of which topics you have read in the current session, so that as you read topics their state will effectively change to 'read'.

Of course the downside of this method is that when you end your session, all of those 'unread topics' are considered read, even if you didn't read them.

The way around this would be to have a table that logs all users' visits to each topic, and then we could accurately determine what the status of the topic should be for any user. This is not something this software does currently. Maybe some of the other popular forums do, or perhaps there is a simpler approach that we could use...

PG Music Inc.