I've been playing around with recreating the issue and I have found something interesting. I believe there is a temporary file somewhere that isn't getting deleted. Here's why...
Once I create the latency issue, I then created a new song with nothing, no changes, and just counted out the beats...latency issue occurs.
I then closed BIAB and reopened it, created a new song with nothing, no changes, and just counted out the beats....NO LATENCY ISSUE OCCURS.

I am now hunting for temp files in the /bb directory. Oh well.


I found three files that are created upon saving/re-recording but manipulation of those files didn't resolve the issue....


I deleted/renamed these files and was able to recreate the latency, and when I create a new song without closing BIAB,I get latency. If I close BIAB, new song, no latency. Oh well.
I used to do this sort of stuff on mainframes back in the day, decades ago, but I'm sure it's a temp file issue somewhere. I plan to seek PG help tomorrow....

////////another interesting tidbit...

I created a new song and counted the beats...123422343234 etc. I then recorded ABCDABCD over part of it...The letters have latency but the numbers do not...

Last edited by TomSarge; 05/21/19 06:41 PM.