Bravo!!! Superb job. Wish I could write like that. Maybe one day I will.

Sad, sad message, but the truth often hurts, so no complaints (as it were) about any of it. If the shoe fits ...

Loved the ticking clock effect, also.

Oh, and one last thing: don't know about Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen or whatever ... this sounds AUTHENTIC and original, 100% ... and that's what I think matters. This is not Cash or Cohen, in my humble and profane opinion ... this really is you, that's how it comes across to me.

Hard - no point, even - to analyse this by taking it apart and talk about its "components", as it were. It's the whole thing that leaves one feeling like one's swallowed a dose of truth - which is, again, a very healthy and sobering thing to do from time to time. Great stuff - thank you.