Appreciate the thoughts and words of encouragement. I forgot that I had 30 days, somehow I had 7 in my mind. That helps. I did email support with a couple of small questions which they resolved very quickly. I didn't find a 'quick tips' type of set-up guide anywhere (a written one). Maybe people's computers and setups are too varied for that kind of thing.

I bought a paper copy of the manual to work through. Hopefully that will help some, too. I really like having a paper copy in front of me to work through. It was only $10 plus shipping. The FedEx/Kinko's store wanted hundreds of dollars to print the manual (no kidding), so $10 from PG Music is a very good value.

Some things I found out in case it's later helpful to anyone else:

The Ctrl-T tip above was brilliant. My default screen is just the menu, and what I like better is actually the old style color icons. I also scaled my 4K monitor to 200% in windows 10 which helps a lot with the eyes. The CoyoteWT / Coyote sounds only work with the 32-bit version. I'm using the 64-bit version (which I assume is preferable with a 64-bit machine). The 64-bit version should use VSTSynthFont64. Sampletank 2.5 only comes packaged with higher versions (UltraPak or higher) of BIAB and only works with the 32-bit version of the software. Also, I was having some trouble with the StylePicker. First thing to do apparently even on a new install is to rebuild the list. Also, you can't preview your current song if it's just one chord. You need a minimum number of chords in the chart for the preview function to work, probably four.

Thanks again