We are avid mountain bikers. Often on a demanding “high heart rate” tough trail we become so focused that, counterintuitively, we feel more free. A zone a lot of endurance athletes describe. And for me some of my better hooks and lines have “appeared” during that state. Never anything resembling a complete song but enough to get started with.

A second scenario for us is when exposed (hiking, biking or even driving) through scenery that takes one’s breath away. That has also inspired some songs.

And, of course we are familiar with FAWN, etc. A tip of the pint glass to all who participate. And, of course we realize that practice helps but it does not always make perfect. I will never be able to race (which we do) my bike as fast as some folks who have "givens." smile Like giant lungs, etc. And I'll never be able to write like some of the folks on the user forum who have an ability to see themes in many different and unique ways...like a writer of great prose. And create vivid imagery for same. I will note that I do not wring my hands over only writing a song every month or so. I not not spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get the "right" word. But I do spend a lot of days between writing sessions during that month. If I sit down to work on a song and nothing happens I have many, many other things to do -- even in my many years of retirement. But eventually I get a song finished.

Perhaps being veery prolific helps but IMHO a great idea, hook, etc., is golden. And as one of the best writers on the forum once told me "you got to have something to say!"

And FWIW I and others, particularly many on a board like PG Music, tend toward seeing the completion of a song only after it has been arranged, backing tracks selected, mixed and often mastered. A time consuming but enjoyable process got us.

Every man must make his own path...or something like that. smile

In no way do I want to denigrate the notion that learning is important -- especially about song structure. I have learned a LOT, even at my 73 years, from several members here who have been very patient with me as I struggled to write. Without them and BiaB I would never have begun to try this song writing thing.
