
I can't see any reason why having a Vsti/DXi loaded should be a problem. What on earth do you do when you load a style with a midi piano, or a midi bass, or midi strings? Unless there is something I'm mising, I can't see what the fuss is about - so you can't render RTs without a Vsti/DXi? Why is this such a problem?? You can't load BAIB without windows ... You can't load BAIB without fonts .. You can't load BAIB without a soundcard driver ...


First of all, the question was,"rendering RT's without the DXI thing going on is going to be fixed?" and that is what some of us want to know because this is one of the new features in BB 2010 right?. I for one am not using BB for rendering midi to wave and not using VSTi/DXi cause some bottle neck in my system when rendering RT's. So, this is not a big deal to you, but it is for others. Works for you?, good for you, but your not the generalized user. Other's might have different needs and when it's offered in a new update it should work. So if you read the first question in this post, it not asking how to get around a problem not using DXi, it's asking when will this new feature be fixed. Not important to you, but it is to other user's. Make sence????.

Last edited by Reg; 01/09/10 09:36 AM.