I'm loving the new styles in Xtra Set 7. In the Stylepicker, only 163 of the 164 styles are showing up.

The missing style is: _pasngr.sty

I can load it from disc, and also its Demo song; but it needs to be added in the stylepicker.

Its a great style.

This slow country folk ballad has a distinct push into beat three that is followed by all of the instruments except for the featured 12-key pedal steel. Acoustic piano offers country folk ballad comping with the accents mentioned above while a bright strumming acoustic guitar follows suit. Acoustic bass plays with emphasis on the downbeat and the push into beat three as well. NashvilleBrushesBalladPushEv16 RealDrums play in their only variation, which includes sidestick/brushes in the A section and stick/brushes in the B section. This song is in the key of E and uses pop, slash, and sus chords that occur every 2 to 8 beats.

Andrew Lloyd