
Well music is a very broad brush and much of what is being said on here is just a case of Horses for Courses !

There is a lot of head banging, raping etc out there that sells and is popular and it sells, but it makes me cringe.

Most on here will write what I call good music, country, ballads, rock etc ,
But you can’t expect a head banging club DJ to play it.
In the same way you wouldn’t expect Liszt in a honky-tonk bar.
With the sheer amount and diversity of music of this and that flavour, it not suprising that a lot of good stuff gets lost along the way.

There are many different approaches. You can write what you like and hope to sell to like minded, (hard work)
Or you can sell your soul and write for commercial artist or specific markets, or more limited still, something like advertising jingles.
(still no saying it will work though )

Then there is the music that sometimes crosses over to another slot.

Like film music, the theme from Love Story became a hit in its own right.
As have many film themes.

The William Tell Overture done a few rounds for the Lone Ranger.

The Largo from the New world. now know by a lot of folk as the Hovis song due to being used on an advert.

And of course The Hall Of The Mountain King as the music fo an Arcade game Manic miner.

Just my thoughts

Last edited by Mike Head; 08/21/19 06:28 AM. Reason: extra thoughts

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Yamaha CVP405,SquireStrat, CoolsoftVMidSynth
Novatation Impulse61 Ctr kbd, Cwalk blab Kontakt
