Originally Posted By: Lucm
[quote=Notes Norton]vMy ambition right now is to release something independently, ideally an album or at least a couple of singles. I intend to sell CDs over the Internet. Dead Can Dance is not a good example, maybe it isn't. I am very grateful for all the replies. People in this forum are very, very nice. Thank you very very much.

I just listened to some of the Dead Can Dance - Anastasis tracks.
I would certainly call it 'alternative', niche soundtrack type of genre.
They (that genre) have no musical appeal to me but that doesn't mean anything.
They do their thing and market themselves apparently with some success.

Maybe it's all about tenacious marketing of oneself utilizing the internet to hopefully find an actual demographic that will actually pay money so one can 'make a living' at it.
Being 72, I tend I see that path as futile. smile
If one's writing is 'not mainstream' that will be a rough road to hoe and one best gird thy loins for the long haul.

I certainly don't have a fan base for my song writing efforts and I don't market myself at all.
Guess my ego just isn't there to think I would have any mass appeal.

Technology and the internet has provided anyone and everyone the ability to do their thing and put it out there.
To you and all others that think they have what it takes to actually support oneself with their song writing efforts I'll wish you all the best of luck/success.

Carry on....