Ok! Thanks for all the feedback. I have gone back and addressed some timing issues and toned down the background vocals, which in turn exposed too much verb in the lead vocals. So I toned that down, too.

I'm a sucker for big harmonies that jump out and hit you and I have a tendency to hit you too hard with them :-D

You guys are a great sounding board! I updated the soundcloud file with the new mix, and I think it sounds like it's ready for the album.

I'm getting there! This one had me stuck for ... a very long time.

I've got two Christmas songs I'd like to get out on a single by mid November, though. I'd better get started on them.

This and being a grandpa and having a full-time job! It's such a fun side project, though, I wish I could make more time to devote to it. I guess it goes in phases and Spring/Summer 2018 were an "on" phase.

I'm tryin'!

Last edited by Phil Leith; 08/29/19 03:54 PM.