Missed the the first ride up/down. I listened to the Russian version (who can resist?) and just read the English. (Maybe if you had promised a female singer, I'd have switched wink ) I think this is your best vocal. The syllables fall right and the subdued and "whispery" tone of the voice itself (not just the effects) fit the mystery of the lyric, which to my mind can be heard as pertaining to everything from the geo-political to the personal.

Ya know, it's dang easier to get all philosophical and highfalutin in the comments when you've listened to Russian. I'll get to the English eventually.

Ma and Pa -in law were not only kind to contribute, but beautifully contributed. It may not be their cup of tea stylistically, but musically they "got it". Big smiles here.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD. https://alonetone.com/tangmo/playlists/close-to-the-ground