Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
How do you (the generic you, not pointing at anyone) define success? Fame? fortune? job satisfaction? longevity? Answer that question and you'll instantly know when you're successful. However, the answer likely includes more than one word.<...snip...>

I've made a career out of doing what I would do for free. Instead of saying "I HAVE to go to work today", I say "I GET to to to work today."

I get up in the morning, go to sleep at night, and in between do what I want to do.

I'm successful.

I don't live a life of luxury by any stretch of the imagination. Our modest house in a great neighborhood is paid off. I buy Dodge/Ford/Chevy price cars and run them until they are no longer dependable. I don't have jewelry, wide screen TV, a guitar collection, run the air conditioner (for both thrift and ecological concerns), or buy unnecessary items.

Leilani and I both value experience over possessions and we've been to 49 US states, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Croix & St John (USVI), more than half the Canadian provinces, 7 Mexican states, Bahama Islands, Bermuda Islands, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Saint-Martin/Sint Maarten, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, England, Scotland, Wales, Gibraltar, The Netherlands, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Czech Republic, Australia, Russia, Japan and China (From the Great Wall down to Hong Kong). (Nicaragua, Japan and Russia were very short visits.) Vienna and Germany are next on the list.

I almost made "the big time" once, and to tell the truth, I don't know if I would have been happier if we made it. There is no way to know. Some of the bands we opened for said it was more fun before they got famous, others seem to really enjoy the demands and rewards of making it. There is no sense thinking about it now.

Everybody defines success differently and as you go through life, most people redefine success as their experiences of living change.

I get up in the morning, go to sleep at night, and in between do what I want to do.

How do you define success?

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks