Originally Posted By: Will Josef
Hi Stefan,

Outstanding! Probably the best video you have shown us so far!

I love the song and the lyrics.

Making videos has been a part of my education, but I am not sure I would be able to make them as good as you do. You are so talented, Stefan!

The Sound, the mixing and the general production is very good... I guess that is Mahas work so please tell her that she is the best...

Looking forward to my next adventure in "Stefan and Maha World"!

Take care my friend!

Dear Will,

well, that was quite a review... thank you sooooo much for it. I passed your plaudit on the mix to Maha an she was excited and says Thank you, too.

I'm always glad to read that you enjoyed our productions, but when you say that you don't think that you could make a video like this I don't believe that, because from the technical point of view my videos are not very sophisticated, I have to admit, and my technical knowledge as well as the equipment are rather limited. You're still on the job and I guess you simply don't have the time I can put into the videos.

But there is something special to this video indeed: The project consisted of more than 30 tracks and that made my PC and graphic card completelly give up.

BTW: The next video will be completely different, but I can tell you right now that it was one of your great songs that inspired me to have a go at that style, too.

Thanks again for all the nice things you said.

Take good care,
