Originally Posted By: bluage
...as in 'racy' ??? Ha, ha! crazy
Right from the beginning of your song, Games None Play, the first thing that came to my mind was the word 'mysterioso', which a dictionary defined as 'having a mysterious nature or quality; inexplicable, enigmatic, etc.' The implacable, unrelenting drive of the drumbeat, the minor key chordal feel, the haiku-like (unsung) lyrics, all combined to create a sense of something restless and serpentine in the music. The orchestra of guitars anchored by the spooky bass line reminded me of the atmosphere of dread that composer Howard Shore conjured up in his steely score for David Cronenberg's controversial film, Crash.
I am anxious to hear who will record the lyrics. That person will have a lot to work with, and I expect the vocal will be quite moody and dramatic.
- bluage -

Racey as in Some Girls Will? I'm too old for that one though my mother-in-law liked the band & song.
I'm glad you like the bass line - I've spent more time trying to create one that fits than on any other part of the song: it's been, by turns, busy, monotonous, linked with octave runs and now a bit of all of those aspects. The "verse" section is a Vantage bass and the "chorus" is a little short scale Hofner knock off.
I enjoyed, (is that really the word?), Crash.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe