Hi Alan,

How smooth, smooth, smooth is that sax! When it started playing in the intro, not only did you capture my imagination but you gave me tingles up and down my spine.... goosebumps rose shortly after. What a sound!

This is a sensational listen.

I love your arrangement. You really are THE MASTER of chord progressions. One chord elegantly turns into another and then another and the journey of harmony is like drifting down a slow flowing river on a late summer afternoon.

As I'm sitting here listening, I keep on thinking over and over just how very talented you are. Exquisite music like this is never an accident. Thank you for posting it and making my day.

How is Di? Rarely a day goes by when I don't think about you both and send healing thoughts your way. I sincerely hope that you and she are travelling as well and as comfortably as possible. Please say "Hello" to her from me.

Kind regards and all the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024