Originally Posted By: Tangmo
Now that is getting under the hood and delivering big bang for the BIAB buck. The results are happy-making. Nice work.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Nice pleasant little tune Charlie!! Isn't BIAB great!! Well put together and mixed! Take care. Greg

Hi Greg. BIAB is really a great program. Thank you for commenting.

Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Charlie !

I loved your instro !
in fact it is really wonderful
it played on all the right
chords !

Congrats Charlie !


Hey Dani. Always good to hear from you. I appreciate your comment.

Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Wow Charlie! What a cool concept for a project. Best of all, that song is GREAT! I think it's so cool that you were able to do what you did. YOU should what BIAB is really capable of with some effort; but simultaneously not needing "more toys" to pull it off.

The proof is in the song. And I'm really liking the song! Real tracks fool me all the time. In the right hands, like yours, it's hard not to be amazed.

Nice job pulling this off! And thank you for posting it. It makes me want to try a few things here and there and post them without all the lyrics and singing. Sometimes I miss just writing music. Your work is inspiring for sure.

Thanks Charlie! (Keep 'em Coming)

Thanks for stopping by HTL. This project came together quite fast. BIAB is such a powerful tool. One of my favorite things is how similar to a multi track recorder BIAB can operate. It's not always as sophisticated as a DAW but I find there's not much that I can't accomplish from solely within the program with satisfactory results.

Originally Posted By: Scott C
This is an excellent song. Loved the choice of instruments. Well done

Thank you Scott.

Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Charlie,

This is one to be proud of.

You've shown us all just how powerful BIAB is in the hands of someone who knows how to get the most from the software.

Truly a terrific listen!

All the best,

Hi Noel. A two minute instrumental is about all I can manage at the moment. I get into BIAB a bit everyday but some illness in my family requires a lot of attention and oversite and there are not long enough periods to sit and concentrate to produce a real project. I appreciate you taking time to comment. Sorry no lyrics this time. wink

Originally Posted By: Ember - PG Music
Really fantastic use of Styles, thanks for sharing!

Thanks Ember. Fantastic Styles PGMusic has given us to use. You guys provide a lot of happiness.

Originally Posted By: bluage
Hello, Mr. Fogle...

If your too-brief instrumental piece, There's A Place, isn't just the best example of how attention to technical details can produce something artful, then I don't know what is whistle.

It's a lovely, soulful, and wistful 'moment musical'. I was going to ask which instruments were Real Tracks, which one(s) were MIDI, Hi-Q MIDI, and so on, but then I realized I'd be destroying the magic I experienced as I listened to it by pitting each instrument against the other. The fact is, your composing and arranging skills made each instrument sound perfectly balanced and 'realistic' in performance, each complementing the other, the parts contributing to the greater whole.

Ultimately, you've only validated the old 'one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration' argument attributed to Thomas Alva Edison -- and then created something sweet and soulful out of both traits.

I would love to hear you do this kind of 'moment musical' thing again, Mr. Fogle!

Most sincerely,

- bluage -

Wow. This made my day. I purposely was a bit vague in the total description hoping listeners would have to 'work' to tell differences between real and midi while at the same time demonstrate the clarity of a mix with a lot of instruments and tracks without the absolute necessity of a DAW. I truly appreciate your remarks. Thanks for posting.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Your understanding of BIAB and its many capabilities always impresses me.

A good listen. The trade off of solo instruments keeps the ear engaged (I especially liked the e. piano). A musical journey in under 2 minutes...

Nicely mixed. Enjoyed.


Thanks for listening and posting Floyd. I almost regenerated the Medley Track because of a single note phrase by the electric piano part but after several listens, it fit the part for me so I left it as is. Glad you enjoyed your listen.

Originally Posted By: Deryk - PG Music
Wow - what a tune! You knocked this out of the park. Others said it already, but this is truly excellent use of the software. The fact you jam packed so much into barely a minute and a half is astounding. It flows amazingly well, the groove is perfect, and the progression is stunning.

You should be proud of this one - thanks for sharing smile

Thank you so much Deryk for your kind comments. BIAB is such a blessing and joy to work with. The quality of the product is second to none.

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.