Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
Great tune Noel. This is well written and uplifting. I got a laugh when you speak of updating this older song. Every professional to give me songwriting advice over the years have stated to not go back to old songs. Move on to new ones. However, revisiting my old songs is one of my favorite things to do.

2012 was before I joined the forum so this song is 'new' to me and all is good... wink

Enjoyed my listen.

Hi Charlie.

I'm glad you had time to drop in. Thank you.

And yes, I've had the "once it's written move on and don't go back" scenario mentioned at almost every seminar I've been to. For me, though, the thing is that I keep on growing and gaining more skills as I continue to practise. When I go back to an old song and think, "yeah, that's not too bad", I sometimes apply a bit of "what I know now" to it and see if I can make it better. On the other hand, those songs that I return to and think. "Oh, that was bad!" I don't bother with.

I firmly believe that some songs are worth going back to.

Thanks for taking time to listen and comment. Much appreciated.

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024