Originally Posted By: rayc
Overall it's a pretty cool song/arrangement/mix though it sounds like a very aggressive edit at the nine seconds mark.
The good arrangement allows plenty of space in the sound.
I'm a huge fan of the Bodhran and it sounds fine in this song too.
Nothing like a little plain air worship - the music sounded open, fresh and free.
Normally I wouldn't mention it but as you start most lines with "I" it is reasonable, I think, to offer that your pronunciation as "oi" does sound a little odd with so many repetitions.
It's probably not an issue for anyone else but it was noticeable in my headphones
The bagpipes weren't bad and they do give that touch of Big Country, (or Slade's version of Big Country on Run Run Away).
well done Janne.

Thanks Ray, your positive comment is very encouraging smile I hesitated to showcase this because I felt the mix was not good enough in my ears, on headphones it sounded ok, but on speakers there was something strange. But when you didn't find more to complain then it has to be ok wink


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