Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Zac, welcome to the neighborhood.

Please tell us exactly which style you are using, and what is the exact tempo of the song.

If the song tempo is too far removed from the recorded tempo for those RealTracks, you may be getting artifacts from the stretching algorithm. This is just a thought, but we need a little more information first.

P.S. This is an ideal location for your question.

Thanks VideoTrack. smile The style I'm using is _SHSAMBA.STY with bass, piano, guitar, and drums. The tempo I'm using is 200.

I may have (unfortunately) figured out the problem though. My CPU processor is only 1.4Ghz, which although within system requirements is below the recommended level. It hadn't occurred to me before this post to check that, and when I went into task manager I could see it bottoming out a few times. So it looks like a new laptop is in my future.

If you do have any other thoughts or ideas for possible tweaks I can do to minimize that I'd welcome them. I've done quite a bit on the laptop already to eliminate background programs, increase page swap size, etc.

Thanks for you help!
