Originally Posted By: MountainSide
Zacworld, some really good comments here. I remember when I was first getting into all of this.

The 2 biggest things I did, after upgrading my computer and memory, were to setup my AV so it didn't scan my BIAB and RB folders and got a wired rather than wireless mouse. Those helped but didn't completely get me to where I wanted to be.

I started playing around with 2 latency monitors (DPC Latency Checker and LatencyMon...both available free...just Google). Note LatencyMon will not give exact accurate readings on Win10 but will show relative areas of concern.

What these two showed me was that leaving BlueTooth on was causing a problem for my system i.e. it was constantly scanning for available devices. Shutting this off using the Win10 Control Panel helped a bunch.



Hi Jeff, thanks, I might check out those latency checkers. What I've been doing is running BIAB while looking at task manager to see the CPU and RAM usage. Thanks to all the great suggestions here & some tweaks I found by Google searches the problem is not nearly as bad as it was.

One thing that messed me up a couple days ago was, after removing many things which were unnecessary, Windows detected them being gone & forced an update on me. After doing the update I was back to square one, the update added a ton of background processes I didn't need, so I had to go through it all over again. I found a way to delay Windows updating for 35 days, but I hope to find a way to eliminate it completely. Another user suggested the AV scanning idea you mentioned, so I did that too. This is an old laptop (no bluetooth on it) so I really want to keep it the way it is without Windows constantly trying to update it.

