Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
.. I would care less, if PG was a big company that could manage development of several titles without issues. It is just my belief that working on a single software title for a small company would be less time consuming, and the remaining resources could be assigned to development, not repairs.

I *think* RB/PT development is done (mostly) by separate staff.
I suppose you could cut those staff, but PT/RB would essentially be frozen 'as is' if you did, like the PGPlugins were when JCJr left.

Plus some of the PT/RB developments have helped catapult some BiaB features over the years (I'm guessing here, but I assume the current BiaB plugin wouldn't have happened as easily if it weren't for previous RB development .. could be wrong, just ask my wife!).

BiaB is not a DAW, but RB helps keep some focus on the use of BiaB in a DAW.
This endeared many of us to RB, but also reveals the value of the RB development staff in helping BiaB mature over the years.

Food for thought.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome