
Your song, The Day You Stepped Into My Life, is as 'elegant and calm' as those lyrics declare. It's truly heart-felt, intimate, and would provoke a smile, a blush, or a sigh of blissful pleasure, even, from anyone who, upon hearing it, would imagine that they could be the subject of the song.

There is something about 'waltz time' that makes me feel instantly happy when I hear a song composed in that meter. I don't really understand why I feel that way about it -- I just do smile.

It was interesting to read how you modified the bass line through manipulating the MIDI notes. That's what I call pure devotion to the goal of getting what you hear in your head (and heart!) out of your speakers. It suggests that you treat your songs with the same depth of attention that you would lavish upon the persons who inspire you to compose them smile.

Lovely as a sunset, this is, and just as glowing smile.

LOREN (a.k.a. 'bluage')

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".