Hello Mark, Guitarhacker and Jim,

Thans for your comments and compliments.
Mark, I can see you do that tapping when the song is playing! I had two kittens in my studio and while making -say- this song I did the tapping as well and they enjoyed riding on my foot, Big fun. And nice what you said about the vocals.

Guitarhacker, 'Gypsy sad but uptempo', a nice way of discribing the song. Although, I was muzing abouth that word 'Gypsy'... But I think I understand how you meant it, also because you mentioned it a cool vibe. Thanks.

And Jim, to what I saw you must have had a very busy cople of days/ week listening to all the songs you missed. does your wife serve you your meals while you were sitting with the headphones on behind your pc? And can you sneak out once in a while to do a -little- nap?
Beside that picture I got of you, I also want to thank what you wrote. Yes, that line you refer too, actualy happened. I mean, I got more interested in some birds that were born in a tree nearby. I fed them then, and of course their parents. And the way they react on that was very nice. That image came to me when writing the lyrics. But here I used it of course in a sad way. Thanks Jim.


Hans Berkhout