Originally Posted By: Tangmo
Loaded with muted power that bursts through on the title line. Chris' voice and EP carry the song well with the BIAB tracks pulling it all together. I'm not sure I've ever heard you play acoustic lead. This was just great here. Proof you are a player who well uses, but does not rely on, electric tone to deliver the emotion. Very much enjoyed.

Hey Tangmo, I did acoustic leads a couple of times back in the AP days when I was doing those latin/rock instrumentals, but it is not something I do that often.

Thanks, happy you liked it!

Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi Dave and Chris,

A very nice song with a strong build up to the choruses in the final part.
Chris did -of course- an outstanding job on the vocals and you on all the other instruments!

But given the drama in the song, I expected a more 'howling' electric solo guitar. One that cries out the misery. I hope I made myself clear on this. But that's a matter of taste of course, and no criticism whatsoever. That is not possible with such a good song.


Hi Hans,

Well, a screaming electric guitar solo would have been the obvious choice, I agree. But, we have done many songs using that particular formula. For this song I wanted to do something different.

Thanks for the listen and comment!

Originally Posted By: dcuny
I also got a strong Stevie Nicks feel listening to the vocal.

Really nice work all around.

The final drum fill fooled me - I expected one more round of the chorus after that. It really gave the ending a powerful ending.

Loved it all - superb work all around. laugh

The ToonTrack bass is coming out soon? Dang, this is the last day the Modo bass is on sale for $99. Now you've given me something else to think about spending my money on. frown

Hi David,

ezBass was supposed to be released Q4 of this year, but I read over on the Toontrack FB group the other day that they are going to hold off until 2020.

Thanks for the listen and comments smile