Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Firstly, glad to hear Maha is better and the mix is superb.
This had to be quite a challenge to mix...so many nuances.

Janice said the video gave her happy feet smile That's her way
of saying makes me want to dance!

Your creativity seems to know no bounds. Heck, even if the
music wasn't so good the video would be entertaining but
then with the great music it's the total package.

Like all your video productions this one requires several views
to even begin to catch all the cool subtleties.

The shoutout to Wolfman was most cool.

And you are very much the funkster!

And the two of you at the end was worth the price of admission!

Sooooo much fun!


PS Thank you for throwing our mug shots on the wall! And the website
link was very thoughtful.

Dear Janice, dear Bud,

making people chuckle - OK. Make them laugh out loud - even better. Make them watch the video or listen to the song more than once - incredible. But making people 'happy feet' - how could that ever be beaten ... smile

Like always your reply to Ain't Got Time is really heartwarming. And blushing at the same time. Thanks an awful lot for that positive feedback.

And Maha says 'Thank you very much' for mentioning her that positively. She really spent some time on that mix, discarding it over and over again - I think you can imagine how happy I am that she - despite a long way of recovery ahead - can work on our stuff thar successfully.

Yeah, the subtleties: I'm just working on a new video (three actually) and maling them up is always one of the highlights (don't want to use the word 'climax', because I don't know the plural of that word. And who would need that plural at our old age anyway ... grin ).

And oh yes: Hanging your pictures on Funky Fritz's wall was a real honour for ME.

All the best to both of you,
