I've been intending to respond to all of your wonderfully kind comments on this one but, well, you know...

I think it is so ironic that shortly after finishing and posting this song, an onslaught of life hit me head on! Mostly good things, and I am okay, but just all the stuff that life is made of teamed up at once and demanded all my time. I am slowly but surely getting a handle on my time, and intend to spend more of it with you fine folks.

I have commented many times that my forum friends here have become like an extended family to me over the past decade. Over this time, we've lost some really good friends, and gained even more good friends. I have seen some mediocre writers and performers develop into really good producers over this time, largely due to the phenomenal tools that Band In A Box gives us. Some of us don't really even care how good we are, we just love music, and BB gives us the opportunity to release a fresh expression of human emotions, and that's a good thing.

In this Thankgsgiving season, I would like to express my gratitude for all the kindness and goodness that is consistently displayed in this forum. I have visited other forums over the years, some good and some not so good. But this forum is overwhelmingly the most welcoming, and caring that I have seen. Thank you to all my friends here for giving me a place to park and share my creations with yours.

And thank you to Mr. Gannon, and all the great staff at PG Music. You guys are the best!

- Steve

Steve Young
"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of." - Robert Schumann