Dear 'jannesan'...

I think The Lair of Lonely Souls is so original in its chordal progression, instrumentation, and subject matter in particular, that it made me feel as though I had just heard something new that no one else had a chance to experience before me!

The spoons in the intro were a startling and inspired instrumental choice. It's a riveting musical effect that was as unexpected as it was exhilarating to hear. That Real Style you used, _HIGHSID.STY (Highside Americana Folk) was a novel band sound that I would have never known existed in Band-in-a-Box. Though it's self-described as a genre of 'folk' music, I'm sure I heard some flatted seventh chords in there -- or did I not??? In a few places, and only briefly, the bands' sound had a mellow, smooth jazz feel.

And, now, on to your lyrics. I feel that I heard them in particularly sharp relief, because your chord prgoressions (to my ears, at least) had a somewhat a brighter tone that contrasted interestingly with the theme of alienation and aloneness in your song. I would have expected a more minor key treatment.

There is sensitive, powerful poetry in your lyrics, too. The song is loaded with them -- I won't excerpt anything, simply because I cannot make up my mind which line, or lines, are more representative of the overall inventiveness you applied that heightened the telling of the story.

This is a song that took a different path through my mind and heart, and that enabled me to 'see' and feel its subject through a set of impressions that were entirely individual and unique.


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".