Originally Posted By: bluage
I think The Lair of Lonely Souls is so original in its chordal progression, instrumentation, and subject matter in particular, that it made me feel as though I had just heard something new that no one else had a chance to experience before me!

The spoons in the intro were a startling and inspired instrumental choice. It's a riveting musical effect that was as unexpected as it was exhilarating to hear. That Real Style you used, _HIGHSID.STY (Highside Americana Folk) was a novel band sound that I would have never known existed in Band-in-a-Box. Though it's self-described as a genre of 'folk' music, I'm sure I heard some flatted seventh chords in there -- or did I not??? In a few places, and only briefly, the bands' sound had a mellow, smooth jazz feel.

And, now, on to your lyrics. I feel that I heard them in particularly sharp relief, because your chord prgoressions (to my ears, at least) had a somewhat a brighter tone that contrasted interestingly with the theme of alienation and aloneness in your song. I would have expected a more minor key treatment.

There is sensitive, powerful poetry in your lyrics, too. The song is loaded with them -- I won't excerpt anything, simply because I cannot make up my mind which line, or lines, are more representative of the overall inventiveness you applied that heightened the telling of the story.

This is a song that took a different path through my mind and heart, and that enabled me to 'see' and feel its subject through a set of impressions that were entirely individual and unique.


Thank you Loren, your review is really pleasure to read smile I especially like when you write "something new", because at the time of writing the song I was wondering should I write simple, more easily accessible songs with commercial appeal, something people are already familiar with… but I decided to continue on my own path. And your comment convince me that I did the right thing smile

I hadn't heard about 'flatted seventh chord' concept before, but always nice to learn something new smile I'm surely used it before, but not knowing the name for it. The key of this song is A so I guess 7th chord would be G. Here I have used G/A chord in the chorus and Gmaj/B chord in the bridge, so I guess those qualify as 'flatted seventh chord'.

I'm also glad you accepted that the chord progression was more upbeat than the lyrics. I'd like to add that in the chorus there are two parts, the first part is slightly upbeat lyrics and upwards going melody (and more major chording) and then the second part more downbeat story and downwards going melody (and more minor chording).


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