Originally Posted By: Robertkc
Funny,hearing those spoons I thought of Chaplin too- so, yup, they work for me in the whole skip-through-your-troubles feeling I got.
Some amazing, original, wise and humorous images in the lyrics- way too many to quote, and deserving of another listen as they tumble by quickly.
Your melodies often take an unexpected turn that simply works-the chorus here is a good example.
The doubled vocal works well.

Thanks Robert for your kind and uplifting review smile I'm glad to read that you are on the same wavelength when you mention Chaplin. You are one of those songwriters that inspired me to start writing this song by selecting a songwriter like style in BIAB and also your song Pendulum inspired me to try something contrasting rhythmical element with those spoons.

And thanks for mentioning my lyrics and melody in such a positive light, lighting my way during these dark autumn days.


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