2008. Wow. You're in luck - 2020 is just about due in December usually with big initial discounts.

As a guitarist I'm often faced on BB with this sort of thing.
A 'possible' workround is to treat those opening bars as 2 beat bars using F5 to call up the change menu. When you input that second chord use Chord settings for that second chord to Push 1/8th.
When done always use F5 to reset the song back to 4 beats.
We're 'working' this weekend so not at PC so cant test it but it might be worth dickering about with Pushes that way.

Old Guys Rule.The older I get,the better I was!
BB2023 ULTRA, 1013, Win 7 and 10

ALL TRACKS - https://app.box.com/s/501rnzrbadng1elvi45hbf7y08kl5oxp
SOUNDCLOUD-tracks using BB-