Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
P.S. also wanted to mention that reverbnation is the only site where I get listens without me pointing people to the site. I hardly ever get that with soundcloud.

I have a ReverbNation account too but I've not seen it do any better than SoundCloud for directing people to my songs. I originally got a ReverbNation account because they had a really cool player that would embed in Facebook for sharing my songs. Then they removed that player and I just went back to using SoundCloud. I honestly don't find either platform to be of much use in promoting my music.

They have a great player for embedding songs IMO. You can also embed a reverbnation player on your own website (check my website link if you are interested in seeing it)

As far as the traffic goes, that didn’t happen overnight for me. I’ve been there 15 years or so. They have a chart system, once you move up the charts, and that takes time, you get more listens.