Originally Posted By: bloc-head
Originally Posted By: rcarver
I was so looking forward to this feature only to find out it wasn't true. It is so unworkable that you might as well just do it inside a DAW. You would think that by now PGMusic would have found a way to have more than 7 tracks in Band In A Box. I wonder what their programmers have been working on all of these years?

What's not true? The multiriff feature worked perfectly for me...
7 variations of a selected region of a chosen realtrack, generated quickly, and saved to BB/DragDrop folder. from there, I Copied & Pasted to my Cakewalk project folder, to be dragged into my project... back in Biab, typing Ctrl+z reverts me back to previous state of saved song.

I think most of us were hoping for the ability to simply choose some bars inside our song and have BIAB offer several options to replace them with. Right there inline. In our active song. Similar to how they already do it in Realband. Then, once we chose the preferred replacement bars we'd just save our song or export it just like we do now to finish our production. How it was implemented seems much more complex than that.

Last edited by JohnJohnJohn; 12/05/19 12:21 PM.