Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
The melody took some interesting turns that my ear really appreciated. And then the way you both put such a nice skipping effect on "every little piece of my heart" made it a super hook. Of course, the singing was as good as it gets, and the production was primo.

Thanks, TM. Always good to have the melody mentioned...

Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi Floyd, Janice and Bud,

This is another very nice song where the three of you are involved in!
The melody lingered in my head, long after the song ended.
I saw that originally the song was made for a man to sing, but Janices' voice is a great addition to it.
and it only asked for a changing of one word (girl - boy). But in this duet both voices sound perfect!

Also the instruments are well chosen for this type of song. But they sound so very bright (in my headphone). almost as if I was standing next to them. How did you do that?


Thanks, Hans!!

Originally Posted By: Deryk - PG Music
Nice work on this - I like how poppy it is, definitely not the usual from Janice but it works fantastically well. Love the harmonies here, and thought the production was top notch.

Thanks for sharing smile

Always nice to have you drop by, Deryk...